10 Top Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
The 10 most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts
The 10 most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

The 10 most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

Why complicate your spreadsheet life with a bunch of tricks you’ll never use? These 10 shortcuts will expedite the Excel tasks you perform every day.

It’s great to know the resources are out there. But on a practical level, mastering 10 genuinely useful shortcuts will get you a lot farther than a vague knowledge of 50 shortcuts you seldom use and can’t remember. Here are 10 timesavers that put the short in shortcut.

Shortcut :- Action
[Alt] [Enter] :- Insert a new line within a cell

[F2] :- Enable editing within a cell

[Shift] [F2] :- Add a comment to a cell

[Ctrl] [F2] :- Open Print Preview

[Ctrl] [Enter] :- Fill selected cells with an entry you typed in one cell

[Ctrl] D or [Ctrl ] R :- Fill data down or to the right through selected cells

[Ctrl] [F3] :- Create a name

[Ctrl] and ; (semicolon) or Ctrl and : (colon) :- Insert the current date or time

[F11] :- Create a chart from a range of data

[Ctrl] ~ :- Toggle the display of formulas

“Most useful” is certainly in the eye of the beholder. What favorite keyboard shortcuts would you add to the list?

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