
Round to the Nearest Multiple Other Than 10

If you want to round a price to nearest nickel (multiple of 0.05), or a length to the nearest inch (multiple of 1/12), or a number of minutes to the nearest second (multiple of 1/60), you can use the following formula (where mult is the multiple to round to):

or just

If you want to round UP or DOWN, you can use ROUNDUP or ROUNDDOWN instead, or the CEILING or FLOOR functions:


The ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN functions will round negative numbers as if you first multiplied the value by -1, did the rounding, and then multiplied by -1 again. So -23.6 rounded UP would be -24. When using CEILING or FLOOR, the multiple needs to be the same sign as the number.

Round Price to Nearest Nickel

=CEILING(price,0.05)    (rounds up)

Round Minutes to the Nearest Second


Round Feet to the Nearest Inch


Round to the Nearest Even Number

=EVEN(number)    (rounds up)

Round to the Nearest Integer

=INT(number)    (rounds down)

Round to the Nearest 15-Minute Interval

=CEILING(minutes,15)   (rounds up)

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