Excel support services will receive scores of different questions each and every day. The range of the questions definitely covers a lot of ground. Among the most common of questions asked is “What are the different types of Excel Macros?” This is a helpful question to ask because if you do not know the different types of Excel Macros, you cannot do what you need to do to get the most out of this very expansive spreadsheet program. If that is the case then you are undermining you own cause. Why do this when you may be employing the Excel Macros for critical business purposes.

VBA Functions You Can’t Live Without

To avoid confusion, Excel support specialists will frequently first define what exactly Macros is prior to defining the different types that it puts forth. Basically, the Excel Macros function is a means of automating tasks with a number of different commands and functions stored in the Microsoft Visual Basic module. Whenever you need to access such a task, all you need to do is access the macros module. A common example of this would be pre-programming the macro(s) to format cells with the single click of a command as opposed to having to go in and handle each task manually.

Usually, the macros will be situated and run from the toolbar but it can also be added to the menu or weaved into the shape in a workbook. Surprisingly, a macros function can actually be found within another macro. So, you do have a lot of options in terms of how you set up your macros system. Just do not make the mistake of customising the position of the commands where they are inconvenient for you to use.

Ten Tips For Coding Excel VBA Macros

There are quite a few different kinds of macros. The three most common are

  • the Event Macros,
  • the Function Macros,
  • and a User Defined Function.

Here are the definitions for each of these items:

Event Macros: As the name implies, this form of a macro is set in motion when you perform a particular process. Don’t worry – the process you engage in is generally fairly easy. Simply double-clicking or right clicking would be the simplest way to trigger the event. Other common ways this can be done would be through opening a workbook or simply activating a worksheet.

Does this seem hard? The answer is obviously “no” as Excel support will likely agree with.

Function Macros: As the name implies, this is a macros function that is pre-programmed and built into the system. You will see these on your worksheets as they are delineated by “Sum” or “If” and the like. Functions also have the unique ability to engage other function commands.

This may seem confusing but it really isn’t as the function macros serve the purpose of streamlining everything.

User Defined Function Macros: The definition of this particular function is fairly easy to understand as it is exactly what it says it is – a custom form of macros as they are not already built into the excel function. Basically, users of excel can create their own functions or they could also employ functions made by another user. Those not sure how these user defined function macros work could always contact Excel support specialists for information on how to effectively create such custom components to their excel program.

Like most functions in Excel, it is likely very easy to use once you understand it and get a little practice with it.

Learn to optimize calculation time of worksheet data in VBA

You might have to record the macros in order to get the most out of it. The way this works is fairly simple: the macros commands you execute are stored and then you repeat them as needed. This can tie directly into creating a user defined function macros. The process of recording macros is not all that complicated and Excel support professionals could easily provide you with all the steps you need to know.

At their core, Exel Macros are intended to make your experience using Excel a lot easier and more impactful. For those that use their Excel program for serious pursuits will likely find the ease of use that Macros provides to be a huge plus. A great many may not take advantage of this function and that is unfortunate. It is there to make your use of Excel easier…so you not use it?

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