Excel CHarts

How to Create Great Charts and Graphics in Excel

So, you need some eye-popping visuals to show off your top sales numbers for that meeting in 40 minutes but data, not design, is your forte.  No problem. With Excel 2013—even if you’ve never used it—you can pump out a sophisticated, professional chart as fast as you can type. Or, if you can copy and […]

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What INDEX MATCH MATCH offers you is a more powerful version of the formula. Instead of just a vertical lookup, INDEX MATCH MATCH allows you to perform a matrix lookup, which is also known as a two-way lookup

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Bullet Charts

How to Create Bullet Graphs

Bullet graphs were invented by Stephen Few to improve upon standard bar charts and gauges.  Instead of just showing the one value, you can compare that value to target values, previous values and objectives. For example: The current value is shown by the black bar in the centre (1100). The range is shown in colour: […]

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Learn to use HLookup in Excel

HLOOKUP is essentially the horizontal version of VLOOKUP. The primary reason for using HLOOKUP in Excel is for when you have key data points arranged horizontally across the top of your table. This usually happens when you are dealing with time series data; people have a tendency to list lookup values horizontally with this type of data.

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Excel Count Functions

Excel Count Functions

Excel Count Functions Examples show how to count Excel cells with numbers, text, blanks, or cells that contain specific words or other criteria. Count Cells with Numbers — Excel COUNT The COUNT function will count cells that contain numbers. Its syntax is: =COUNT(value1, value2,…value30). The arguments (e.g. value1) can be cell references, or values typed […]

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Excel Smart Tag

What is Excel Smart Tag? A Know-How

Excel smart tags help to recognize specific data and then the smart tags help in providing action to those data that are being recognized. There is a button near to the cell that is filled with the recognized data. Smart tags Excel help in recognizing all those data so that you can perform better on […]

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VLOOKUP MATCH is one of several possible lookup formulas within Microsoft Excel. This tutorial assumes you already have a decent understanding of how to use VLOOKUP. If you do not, please click here for a beginner’s tutorial on VLOOKUP.


VLOOKUP MATCH is an improved variation of your basic VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH formula. Using VLOOKUP MATCH allows you to perform a matrix lookup – instead of just looking up a vertical value, the MATCH portion of the formula turns your column reference into a dynamic horizontal lookup as well. VLOOKUP MATCH is mainly useful for situations where you intended to perform heavy editing on your data set after you’ve finished writing your formula. This is because VLOOKUP MATCH gives your lookup formula insertion immunity; whenever you insert or delete a column within your lookup array, your formula will still pull the correct number.

The key difference between using VLOOKUP MATCH versus the basic VLOOKUP formula is that, in addition to your vertical lookup value (what you’ll be looking up down the left side of your table) you’ll also have a column lookup value (what you’ll be looking up across the top of your column headings).

The Syntax

VLOOKUP and MATCH are the two formulas that are combined to perform this lookup. We’ll look at each of the formulas separately before putting them together. The primary formula we’ll be using is VLOOKUP:

=VLOOKUP ( lookup value , table_array , col_index_num , [range_lookup] )

To use this formula, you’ll need a lookup value and a table array. (We’ll address the column index number later and since we are not performing a range lookup, we can leave that part of the syntax blank) In the example below, the lookup value is ID number “5” and the table array is the green box surrounding cells B6:F14.

Next we have the MATCH formula:

=MATCH ( lookup value , lookup_array , [match _type] )

The match formula returns a position number based on your lookup value’s location within the array you’ve selected. To use this formula you’ll need both a lookup value and a lookup array. (The match type parameter should be left blank – doing so tells Excel that we want an exact match). In the example below, the lookup value we’ll be using is the State of “WA” and the lookup array is the orange box surrounding cells B6:F6.

Putting it Together

The key to VLOOKUP MATCH is that we are replacing the “column index number” syntax of VLOOKUP with the MATCH formula. Perform this combination using the following steps:

Step 1: Start by typing your VLOOKUP formula as you normally would, inputting the proper lookup value and table array for your lookup; in this example the lookup value is ID number “5” and the table array is the green box surrounding cells B6:F14.

Step 2: When you get to the column index number input, instead of typing in a hard coded number, start typing in the MATCH formula

Step 3: For the MATCH formula’s lookup value, select the cell containing name of the column you want to return from; in this example we want to return a State, so we click on it

Step 4: For the MATCH formula’s lookup array, select the row headings of your table array; in this example it is the orange box surrounding cells B6:F6.

Step 5: Close off both your MATCH formula and your VLOOKUP formula with two parentheses (doing this simply confirms for Excel that we want an exact match for the MATCH formula and that we don’t want to use a range lookup for the VLOOKUP)

How it Works

The MATCH formula we created returns the value 4. Therefore, based on how we arranged the syntax, the VLOOKUP MATCH in this state is basically performing the same function as a VLOOKUP with a column index number of 4.

However, the key difference is that this column reference is now dynamic. If I insert or delete a column from my lookup table, my return value will stay the same. See below for an example of the difference in return values between VLOOKUP and VLOOKUP MATCH after inserting a column.

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Excel VBA

Excel VBA Macro Adds IfError() Functions To Every Formula

Today I found some useful code I wanted to share with our readers. A macro to automatically add an IfError() function to every formula on every sheet in a selected workbook, assuming there was not already an IfError function used. Remember that macros have no Undo command. Once you run this VBA macro the only undo is to close […]

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Excel’s best-kept secret: What-If Analysis tools

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